
Jan 18, 2022

Hyperthyroidism refers to an overactive thyroid (when it produces too much thyroid hormone) and hypothyroidism refers to an underactive thyroid (when it does not produce enough). These two conditions often have different signs and symptoms, but are quite similar in the way they're treated. We'll address them and some natural remedies for them below.

Both of these lead to symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, feeling cold, hair loss, dry skin, depression, memory and concentration problems, constipation, menstrual abnormalities and many other areas which go out of balance. There are various causes of thyroid issues, such as stress, autoimmune conditions, diet, medications, environmental issues, and surgical removal of the thyroid.

There are a number of benefits, drawbacks, and common misconceptions when it comes treatment using herbs and plats for thyroid problems, we'll get into them below

It's important to note that while the below plants and fungi can help with the symptoms and perhaps help heal an aspect of your thyroid issue, they cannot on their own heal the root cause. To truly heal this dis-ease you need to dig into the root cause, whether that be a stressful lifestyle, unbalanced diet or unresolved traumas.

Bladderwrack, is the herb most commonly associated with the treatment of thyroid issue. This is a kelp and seaweed product that is often used in hypo & hyper thyroidism due to the high iodine content. Insufficient levels of iodine can cause hypothyroidism – BUT taking additional iodine from Bladderwrack can more often than not be detrimental to your thyroid. Bladderwrack will actually provide TOO MUCH iodine and be detrimental to your system. So we try not recommend this.

Gotu kola, is a great adaptogenic herb that supports brain health, nerves, and mood.s. One of the most common subjective symptoms that hypothyroid patients report is “brain fog”. Gotu kola can help support cognitive function., however, on its own, this herbal is not sufficient to treat thyroid problems.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), is an adaptogenic mushroom that is commonly seen in thyroid remedies. It improves cardiovascular health, helping reduce cholesterol which is commonly elevated in poorly controlled hypothyroidism. It supports normal thyroid function and stimulates the thyroid gland

Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis), a fungus, is also a good one to use for the low energy assoicated with thyroid issues. It is a wonderful adaptogenic herbal choice for people that are extremely fatigued. With the additional bonus that it can help with insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), is an all-around great herb. While not specifically for thyroid health, it is indicated for improving cortisol levels. Often, when the thyroid is stressed it can impact other endocrine systems like the adrenal glands, which produce cortisol. If you suffer from persistent fatigue, intense stress, burnout, etc this can be due to struggling adrenals. Similarly to Gotu kola, licorice may have some cognitive enhancing effects.

Kelp is a tricky one and has both positive and negative effects, very much dependent on your individual case. We'd recommend only trying kelp if you're in touch with your body and can feel whether it's helping or not, and are also willing to give it a try over a few months. Kelp has a lot of iodine, which can be great if you're suffering from low iodine levels, but it can throw of the thyroid gland too. Especially when taking kelp daily, it can have the opposite effect intended and end up making your thyroid issue worse. So please be aware of this and do your research before using kelp as a supplement for iodine in your diet.