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Filled with fantastic stories, magical myths and scientific, evidence backed benefits of some of the best herbs and mushrooms from around the world.
Perfect for those wishing to expand their current knowledge of herbalism or people looking to utilize the right medicines for their ailments.
31 Herbs & Mushrooms
80 pages
- History & Folklore of plants & Mushrooms
- Phytochemicals prensent in these medicines
- Effects of these phytochemicals on the body
- Benefits & Uses
About Aether
We at Aether Herbalist & Apothecary believe in the ideology that knowledge does not belong to one person but rather a collective community.
Through this spreading of knowledge we can pass on incredible awareness of our environments, and the many wonderful plants & mushroom that inhabit them. We have created a diverse array of resources to help teach about herbalism, mushrooms as medicine, edible plants & how to identify them and many more.
We genuinely believe that this knowledge should be free and as such we have all of our reading material available for download at no cost.
However if you prefer a solid book we have printing options available - the funds you pay will go towards the costs around printing the books, we do not take a profit for this at all.
We truly hope these books bring joy and knowledge to all.