Sceletium - Raw, Dried Powder


Sceletium is one of the most powerful and beautiful plants we work with.
Sceletium has amazing medical benefits, particularly working with opening your heart and dissolving anxiety and fear. It does so with gentleness and consistency, making this indigenous plant great as an every day medicine

Our Sceletium Raw, Dried Power can be used as a smoking mix, direct oral usage, or even sprinkled over food or as a tea.


More about Sceletium

Sceletium is one of the most usable and functional herbs for mental and emotional wellness that exists in the world today. Sceletium tortuosum (also known as Kanna or Kougoed) is a succulent plant native to Southern Africa. It is often found covering the ground, in the shade of larger bushes. This remarkable and sacred plant has been used by the Khoikhoi for hundreds of years. Traditionally the plant was dried and chewed (hence the name Kougoed, meaning “chewing stuff”) or smoked. It was often smoked in ceremony and mixed with a variety of other different herbs. In recent years, it has been made into capsules, oils, teas, as well as full or partial alkaloid extracts.

Sceletium has a range of popular medicinal and therapeutic benefits including:

Emotional Wellness: Sceletium integrates and meditates the mind, body and emotions, helping to put you in calm, clear and relaxed state. It helps calm overactive minds whilst allowing speech to flow and thoughts to be more focused. It helps you ‘get in touch’ with your heart centre thus allowing a more positive outlook.

Mood Enhancement: Sceletium has very reliable mood boosting properties. It greatly enhances serotonin function in the brain. In higher dosages, it can result in gentle, yet noticeable, euphoria.

Anti-Depressant: Sceletium is a natural and safer option than chemical SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors), which often have many unpleasant, undesired side effects. Sceletium acts as an SRA (Serotonin Releasing Agent), which have been found to be more effective, balanced and harmonious approach than Re-Uptake Inhibitors. (Note: Sceletium should not be taken at the same time as chemical SSRIs)

Anti-Anxiety: Kanna has been traditionally used for millennia as an anti-anxiety remedy. Sceletium works in a direct, apoptogenic way to give you peace of mind, bringing about a sense of calmness and centeredness to the mind, body and soul. It can be used as an on-the-go ‘rescue remedy’.

Stress Reduction: Living in the modern world, especially in urban cities, many people deal with stress that comes from information overload, time scarcity, nature deficit disorder, etc. A key aspect to dealing with stress is to remain grounded and centred amongst our often chaotic environment. Sceletium helps in this regard, allowing us to slow down, breath and gain perspective of the bigger picture.

Alcohol, drug & smoking addictions: Sceletium has incredible benefits for those wishing to stop smoking, drinking and other forms of substance abuse. It helps alleviate the tendency to compulsively and obsessively think about the substance, as well as significantly reduce withdrawal symptoms.

Social phobia & euphoriant: Sceletium has incredible benefits in helping those with social anxiety. It eases communication and using Kanna at slightly higher dosages induces open-hearted euphoria.

Whilst the above list are the most popular uses, Sceletium is also widely used to help with:

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) / Grey Weather Syndrome, Concentration, OCD Treatment, Libido improvement, PTSD, menopause irritability, Cognitive Enhancement, Yoga, Meditation and more.

All our Sceletium is organic and tested in a lab to make sure it's high quality.


Dosage Guidelines

– Mild effect: 50mg – 100mg (recommended)
– Medium effect: 100mg – 200mg
– Strong effect: 200mg to 350mg


Lab Test

 Compound % Composition
Δ7-mesembrenone 3.4%
Mesembrenone 18.5%
Mesembrine 75.7%
Sceletium_A4 2.4%

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
This plant changed my life!

I have tried sceletium before but there is something about this product, maybe it's purer... I don't know. But since I started taking this supplement, it has relieved me of my extra anxious thoughts. I find my mindset much lighter now and I can feel playful again. I take it orally in veggie caps that I bought separately. I up my dose to 100mg during very stressful periods and go back down to 50mg when I don't need that extra support. Amazing product. Would highly recommend it!